The Website Strategy
Designing and Building The Website
Moving onto the Website project, we started with a UX audit and wireframe phase to effectively map out the user journeys of the new website and understand what and how content should be provided to the user.
We then worked on creating the website design and structure, aiming to increase functionality over their previous platform and get creative with the design when applying the new and improved branding we developed for the client.
We worked alongside the existing LMS the client integrates with to list all the courses and materials – this meant custom API work to ensure we pulled the relevant information for all training courses the business provides.
Once the client approved the homepage design, we began working on the rest of the design templates, including the core training course page listing all available courses, individual training course pages, an about us page, a contact page, and more.
While our designers worked hard on this step, our development team got to work on building the homepage structure and bringing this to the quality of the final result, including pre-launch SEO work and final UX tweaks.