Creating a Modern, Fast & User-Friendly Website for Armorgard.

UX, Web Design & Development, Inbound Marketing

Armorgard is a leading designer and manufacturer of secure tool storage, work units, and manual handling equipment. A widely recognised brand in the UK, with a strong and growing presence in the USA, France, and Australia, Armorgard is without doubt a leader in their space.

But when they first contacted us, their website was far from industry-leading.

With poor loading speeds across the site, confusing navigation that made it difficult for customers to find products and a dated design and layout that wasn’t very mobile-friendly, their website was holding back their marketing and sales performance.

So, we set about designing and building Armorgard a new, user-friendly website that would become the core of their digital marketing and help increase user engagement, sales and conversions, and overall customer satisfaction.

UX Research & Analysis

Identifying user experience issues and opportunities.

To kick the project off, our UX Specialists conducted a deep analysis of the Armorgard website.

We knew the site was slow, difficult to navigate, and dated in design, but we wanted to investigate the deeper UX issues of the website and user journey. This was vital for understanding how we could create a fast, intuitive, modern website that was tailor-made for Armorgard and their customers.

Using heatmap and click map tools and checking the website against key usability and accessibility criteria, we identified a few problems in the user journey that were causing user frustration and disengagement.

With this data and the findings from market research and customer feedback gathering, we crafted a detailed UX strategy for the new website. We then developed UX wireframes to showcase how the new and improved user journey would be structured and presented these to the Armogard team.

Explore our UX Services
UX wireframes of the Armorgard website homepage, product page, and mobile view next to the final live website designs.
Armorgard website designs shown on a tablet and on desktop size screens.

WordPress Web Design

Creating stunning, on-brand website designs.

With the UX strategy complete, it was over to our Web Designers to turn the UX wireframes into complete, visually stunning designs.

For the design, Armorgard didn’t want to completely reinvent themselves as they already had an established, easily recognisable brand.

We focused on creating an improved design and layout over the previous website to give users a more satisfying and premium experience while retaining that Armorgard look and feel.

Using Armorgard’s products as a focal point, we created a clean, on-brand, modern design with detailed product landing pages and people-focused copy.

With these updated designs and content, our focus was on clearly communicating Armorgard’s product quality, meticulous design and manufacturing processes, and exceptional customer service.

Explore our Web Design Services

WordPress Web Development

Developing a functional and fast website.

With the designs approved, we moved on to building the website.

For the build, our Web Developers worked closely with our SEO Specialists to ensure that the site was built with search engine performance and page speed in mind. This involved keeping the website code very lean, compressing images before uploading and minimising the complex scripts and HTTP requests executed each time the website loads.

Focusing on functionality, we kept Armorgard’s website relatively simple. Still, we added many useful features and elements to enhance the customer experience and make navigating to desired pages and products quick and easy.

Some standout features added to the new site include:

  • A quick and simple product search bar
  • Ability to view products by industry (rail, landscaping, building fit-out, etc.)
  • Enquiry basket facilitating multiple product quote requests in one go
  • Digital brochure/catalogue downloads
  • Detailed resource hub with safety guides, FAQs, and industry insights
  • Customer tools for product registration and lock and key replacement
  • Multiple website versions for other countries and languages (,, and
View Armorgard's New Website
Homepage and product page designs for the Armorgard website created by Damteq.
Two images, the one on the top is an SEO Specialist using Semrush tools on her laptop, and on the bottom is a PPC team collaborating in a meeting.

Digital Marketing Specialists

Turning our attention to inbound marketing.

With the successful launch of the new Armorgard website, we are now collaborating with their internal marketing team on strategic inbound marketing projects spanning SEO and PPC channels.

For the SEO project, we are focusing on maintaining the new website’s Technical and On-Page health, assisting with an in-depth keyword strategy to add more helpful content to the site, monitoring keyword performance and ranking data, and maintaining healthy backlink profiles.

For the PPC project, we are focusing on directing targeted website traffic to Armorgard’s product and market-focused landing pages to increase website engagement, conversions, and revenue.

We will update this case study with performance data and statistics in the coming months.

Explore our Digital Marketing Services

The Result.

Feedback from the Armorgard team throughout the process has been incredibly positive, and they are thrilled with their new website.

First and foremost, Armorgard’s website has been designed and built with their customers in mind and with heavy consideration for the business’ marketing and growth. By creating a user-friendly, easy-to-update website that drives enquiries and other conversions, Armorgard’s website is now perfectly positioned at the centre of their brand awareness, lead generation, and revenue growth strategies.

With our partnership now extending to a strategic inbound marketing project, we will continue to support Armorgard’s digital marketing and growth for months and, hopefully, years to come.

We need a new website designed and built.

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We need help generating more leads and enquiries.

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We need help converting more leads into sales.

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We’re not sure how to grow our business.

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