SEO Strategy

Do location based local landing pages work?

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When it comes to building landing pages you may focus on things like the sectors your work in, or maybe the core service that you offer. Have you ever considered your local visitors?

Did you know?

1. 46% of all searches on Google are seeking local information.

2. 97% searched online to find a local business  (Source: Hubspot)

From our experience, local landing pages don’t work for everyone. One of our clients, a loft boarding company has had huge success with them, whereby another company, a leading software provider, they don’t work for. From our specialists research we believe it very much depends on the industry that you’re in. 

Think about your own business. Do you sell local? Or does it really not matter?

For example, if someone is looking for a driving school, they would most likely search on Google for “Driving School in [Town]” whereas, if they were looking for a piece of software, they would never search for “Finance Software in [Town]. 

So you think you’re in the right industry

If you have determined that local landing pages could work for you then it’s time to gear your website up to support them. When we suggest to a client that we need to consider local landing pages we always:

  • Perform a full site audit
  • Complete technical optimisation
  • Build a local landing page template
  • Write engaging content for the landing page
  • Introduce a quality lead magnet to the page (to help enquiries)

It is so important to keep the content of a landing page concise, with one clear message and journey. Try not to muddy the content or add things for the sake of it. This can lower its relevance and also make it less engaging.

Which locations should I focus on?

We would always plan this strategically. One simple method is to look at the locations where your top clients are based and focus around these areas. We also recommend that you pick a few areas that you would love to grow into. 

What results could I see?

Proof is in the pudding right? 

We recently had a prospect come to us and ask for help. They had been working with another local SEO company and they just weren’t getting the results. They came onboard with Damteq in February 2019. We then built a series of local landing pages based on the areas they target and the towns around. 

localSEO Locations - Digital Marketing Agency
The graph above shows the impressions the client’s website saw before, and since Damteq came on board and introduced location based landing pages.

(An impression is when a website page shows on Google when searched through a term).

Want to chat about location based landing pages?

Do you want more clarification whether location based landing pages are right for your business. Why not get in touch with one of our specialists?